The Power of Saying No and Learning to be Comfortable with it…

Verlaine-Diane Soobroydoo
3 min readFeb 12, 2024


I was recently reflecting on Sharon E. Rainey’s powerful quote: “NO” is a complete sentence: it does not require an explanation to follow.

Easy to say, often hard to do. A sense of unease somehow comes up when saying no. It happens to all of us, particularly to people who have not yet been able to be comfortable with the uncomfortable. Why? The fear of disappointing others, or being perceived as rude or unhelpful.


What if we flipped the script and focused more on setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and maintaining personal integrity? In a world where saying yes is often glorified, the power of saying no is a skill worth cultivating.

Learning to be comfortable with saying no — and the outcome it may bring — is transformative. “No” offers clarity, autonomy, and peace of mind in the personal and professional spheres of our lives.

Let’s delve into how embracing this two-letter word can be a game-changer for your life and growth. #ThePowerofNo #Boundaries #SelfEmpowerment

#1 Learn to Set Boundaries 🧘🏽‍♀️

Remember that saying no is not selfish. It’s a form of self-care. Establishing boundaries helps protect your time, energy, and mental health. It allows you to focus on what truly matters and avoid overcommitting yourself. #Boundaries #SelfCare

#2 Overcome the Fear of Disappointing Others 🧗🏽‍♀️

Many of us struggle to say no out of fear of disappointing or upsetting others. Remember, you are not responsible for meeting everyone’s expectations. Prioritize your own well-being and honor your limits. #SelfRespect #HealthyBoundaries

#3 Say No to Overcommitment🔏

Saying yes to every request can lead you to burnout and resentment. Learn to assess your priorities and say no to tasks or commitments that do not align with your goals or values. Your time is valuable — use it wisely. #TimeManagement #Priorities

#4 Set Clear Expectations📝

Communicate your boundaries clearly and assertively. Let others know what you are willing and able to take on. Remember that respectfully declining requests that do not fit within your boundaries empowers you to stay true to yourself. #Communication #Assertiveness

#5 Honor Your Needs 💌

Saying no allows you to prioritize your needs. Whether it’s setting aside time for self-care, pursuing personal projects, or simply enjoying downtime, honoring your own needs is crucial for overall well-being. #SelfLove #Prioritization

#6 Go all in and Embrace Freedom and Empowerment Within 👤

Saying no liberates you from the pressure to please others and allows you to take control of your life. It empowers you to make choices that align with your values and goals. This freedom gives you a sense of autonomy and empowerment. #Freedom #Empowerment

#7 Remember, saying no is not a rejection — it’s a boundary ⚖️

By learning to say no with confidence and compassion, you create space for what truly matters in your life. Embrace the power of saying no and reclaim control over your time and energy. #EmpowerYourself #Boundaries

Light always,




Verlaine-Diane Soobroydoo

Verlaine-Diane Soobroydoo is a writer, Author of “UNBOUND: Twitter Thoughts for the Heart and Mind” (Ed. 2022) and International Public Policy Strategist