Learn how to focus your energies on letting go what no longer serves its purpose, and to build for today and tomorrow🌱

Verlaine-Diane Soobroydoo
3 min readMar 15, 2024


“Can you remember who you were,

before the world told you who

you should be.”

— Charles Bukowski

In today’s world, it is critical that you learn how to focus your energies on letting go what no longer serves its purpose, and on how to use your skills to build for today and tomorrow. These will be your keys to your personal and professional wellbeing, and frankly success.

#1. Here’s the truth: letting go of past experiences, moments, or people is hard.

I’ve come to realize that just like the tree that sheds its leaves, the process of letting go, and gracefully honoring what was, while accepting its end, is necessary for growth.

Start by identifying what no longer serves your purpose. Whether it’s toxic relationships, outdated beliefs, or unfulfilling habits, release them with gratitude for the lessons they taught you. Freeing up space allows room for new opportunities to flourish. 🌱 #LettingGo #ReleaseTheOld

#2. The present is your best ally — it is the moment you can adjust your direction, it is the soil in which you plant your seeds.

Redirect your energies towards the present moment. Instead of dwelling on the past or worrying about the future, focus on the here and now. And ask yourself these questions:

  • What is holding you back?
  • Why should you let it go?
  • What can you do today to create a better tomorrow? Not only for yourself but for the world around you.

By grounding yourself in the present, you empower yourself to take meaningful action towards your goals. 🎯 #PresentMoment #FocusOnToday

#3. “Know thyself”🌱

Realize that your life, as a being, is the ultimate project that you will be, develop and work on until your last breath.

Take inventory of your priorities and values: Are your current endeavors aligned with what truly matters to you?

If not, it’s time to realign your focus. Invest your time and energy into pursuits that align with your values — the person that you are — and bring you closer to your authentic self.

Your future self, and the world that needs more people who come alive, will thank you. 💡 #Priorities #Authenticity

#4. The human brain yearns for consistency and stability. Our daily lives need a sense of commonality. Change can disturb and unsettle our stability.

You can take your power back in the face of challenges by embracing change as a natural part of life’s evolution.

Building for today and tomorrow requires adaptability and flexibility. Be open to new possibilities and remain willing to pivot when necessary. Remember, change is not a setback but an opportunity for growth and innovation forward. Always. 🔄 #EmbraceChange #Adaptability

#5. Recenter the power of mindfulness in your life 🧘🏽‍♀️

Practice mindfulness to cultivate awareness of your thoughts and emotions. When you notice resistance to letting go of the past or anxiety about the future, gently bring yourself back to the present moment.

Remember why you are shifting path and recentering. Write your “why’s” down and keep them close to you.

Mindfulness empowers you to make conscious choices and channel your energy into constructive endeavors. Remember, beloved, you are a masterbuilder. #Mindfulness #Awareness #masterbuilders

#6. Invest in the strength of Community 👥🔄

Learn to recognize and stay away from energy vampires and dream-breakers.

Instead, surround yourself with a supportive community that encourages your growth and evolution. Share your journey with like-minded individuals who inspire and uplift you.

Together, you can celebrate victories, navigate challenges, and co-create a brighter future filled with possibility and abundance. 🌟 #SupportiveCommunity #TogetherWeRise

#7. Have faith, trust in the process and trust in you.

Remember, you have what it take to let go and build anew. Trust that by releasing what no longer serves its purpose, you create space for miracles to unfold. Trust in your ability to create a future that honors your deepest desires and aspirations.

Your journey towards growth and fulfillment renews itself with each new breath you breathe. ✨ #TrustTheProcess #CreateYourFuture

Lastly, remember that building for today and tomorrow starts with your personal growth: cultivate empathy to foster stronger connections. Invest in yourself and others to shape the world you want to see rise around you.

#PersonalDevelopment #Empathy #DigitalLiteracy

Light always,✨




Verlaine-Diane Soobroydoo

Verlaine-Diane Soobroydoo is a writer, Author of “UNBOUND: Twitter Thoughts for the Heart and Mind” (Ed. 2022) and International Public Policy Strategist